
By cowgirl

Tiger Moth

Today we went to Old Sarum Airfield where Sav was strapped into a Tiger Moth and flown about a bit. They did barrel rolls,loop the loops and stuff like that.

G-ACDI was built in 1933 and served with the RAF from 1940-45. She is the oldest flying aircraft still flying. She has almost none of the instruments found in most aircraft and is made of material so thin and flimsy that the instructor warned Sav to be careful where he puts his elbows!

Plane and pilots returned in one piece after a 30 minute acrobatic flight over Salisbury Plain, which by all accounts was quite spectacular as the sun was beginning to set.

What you can't see in this photo is the hale that suddenly fell as they were getting ready for take off. Luckily it was a short sharp shower and passed by the time they were airborne.

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