Next Up in the Tractor Pull

"My name is Rodney Snowontail,
and saying squirrels don't drive is an old wives tale."

"I love the sport of tractor-pulling,
I just find it to be so fulfilling."

"I want to beat that jay named Bryce.
I want to got any advice?"

I did give my two cents...
to the tractor-driving ro-dent.

"Watch what you're doing Rod,
let safety be a factor.
Cuz I'm just guessing...
it's your first time driving a tractor!"

"Watch what you're doing Rod...
if in this sport you want to thrive.
Cuz if you don't watch yourself...
you'll be taking a swan squirrel dive!"

"One final bit of advice Rod.
Quit acting so cavalier...
Pay attention to what you're doing...
and furry friend...STEER!"

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