Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Her Worship

was scheduled to arrive at 0822hrs and bang on the button - right in front of me - she beamed on us all spreading her rays and her light announcing to us that a new day begins.   She has done her end of the bargain now it is up to us to greet the day and embrace it in all its ups and downs, wondrous and frustrating things, delights and disappointments.  Thank you Her Worship for you give so much and ask nothing in return.

It is so lovely here this morning and I have another 15 mins to enjoy.

I am behind in comments, me housework, me job (our busiest time), Christmas not on the agenda yet, but I am pleased to report I have kept up with dancing in the kitchen every day and managing to blip every day (tho’ feel a walkabout coming on).

Blip abides (you know ‘strikes and gutters)

Hi from Bray beach (now 10 mins left)

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