SUPER cute!

When I was younger, I wanted a wolf for a pet.  As my fondness for dogs diminished, I wondered what pet I would have liked to have ... and so I think I am fond enough of pigs now.  We have no place to keep one, although AW is not averse to preparing one for his pantry and plate, but it would have been quite an adventure, I think.  Some people have tried to imagine me walking down the street with one on the leash, and conclude that at one point it would have grown larger than I was and so it was not such a good idea for me.  I still find them rather cute ... haha!  And what fun when one of your neighbours within walking distance has a farm!

Almost finished with my Future of Globalization MOOC, and in record time as this particular series, the Global Studies program, is notorious for its depth and scope.  Tomorrow should do the trick.  I am very focused.  In the meantime, very slowly, we are also preparing for the coming holiday.

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