
A large, heavy net of it, about 8 kg., all from H's backyard.

Finished the Future of Globalization MOOC today, with a low average that will not get me a certificate, but that's okay.  I didn't fail it, I just didn't reach the required average.  Never mind, never mind, I learned a lot despite the fact that politics combined with economics is not my favourite subject.  The Global Studies program will start with the third MOOC in the series tomorrow, so I am glad I finished this one today.  You're probably wondering why I even bother to study when I have enough on my plate.  Well, I think it's because I really enjoy it.  I told AW that this is what I should have done when I was younger back in the other country.  The circumstances were against me at the time, however, so I guess I am simply catching up now.  I see all these courses as electives and I'm actually enjoying myself.  They will all cease one day, but no matter, I like to live fully today.

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