
Not the purple sort.  One of those days that seem to go by by themselves and take you along whether you like it or not, but where everything works out.  Went to work, worked, went back home, went back to work, worked again, went back home again ... and all because they changed my schedule on Sunday afternoon (or Saturday evening?), naturally without warning, so that something I had to do at home couldn't be done the way I had planned it, so ended up not doing it till later in the evening.  Never mind, I missed AW anyway, and I had a chance to sit down and finish brunch and a second cup of tea.

Surprisingly very little traffic, and I think that a large number of people have taken half a week off as it will be St. Nick's Eve on 5 Dec and everyone has to celebrate that.  Indeed, St. Nick's Eve is for presents and shouldn't be confused with 25 Dec, which is a more solemn occasion not necessarily spoilt with presents, although some exchange gifts on that day as well.  We won't be celebrating St. Nick's as we're comfy with our stuff, but the real big present will start next week.

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