Mood Food

In between classes today, I took a walk.  The weather was glorious!   Two extras ...

Crossed the Maas on the Erasmus Bridge after parking my car (I had parked it close to the building for the first class but didn't want to let it stand there the whole day as that would have been expensive, so moved it to the Noorder Island when the class ended).  Took loads of shots and then entered the Intell Hotel for a snack.  It's the building along the Maas River with a kind of 'cantilever top floor', the kind that juts out onto the boulevard.  Asked if there was a café there so that I could have a snack and shoot some of the views.  Nope, the entire top floor, with the view, is only for meetings, conventions, and the like.  I settled for the ground floor restaurant and they have the most delicious pecan cake with honeyed sauce.  As you can see, I enjoyed a cup of tea with it.

Crossed the Erasmus Bridge again to return to work, and had an enjoyable session with one of my first-year classes.  After that, the ride back home.  Maybe the snack did the trick!

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