twinned with trumpton


A slower day, nestling between the busy Saturday and the excitement of Monday's camp departure.
So MOTD and PJs until mid morning and then I dragged them off out to Scotmid for packed lunch material and then a day saver was purchased and tanned for the rest of the day. To town on a sweep that involved ,meeting 'her', Apple, Boots, Primark, a sandwich, M & S, Lidl, Argos and Vans. Not necessarily in that order. 

Back to hers briefly to see the aftermath of the sleepover / pre birthday night out and I got pressganged into present wrapping (and inadvertant card wrapping too - the card got put into the shoes unbeknownst to me - before we hopped onto one final bus (well apart from it breaking down and having to get a replacement one sent out) and home. 

Baths and dinner (a hearty meatballs / goulash for Tom who is apprehensive about Ben More food) and earlyish night.

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