Croeso i'r byd

Croeso i'r byd ~ Welcome to the world

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Daeth Steph a Zoë adre heddiw [Dydd Sul] ac aethon ni i weld nhw. Roedd y teulu i gyd yna - rhieni Steph a chwaer Steph a'i phartner hefyd - roedd y lle yn llawn. Roedd llawenydd i weld y babi newydd ac yn dathlu ei chyrraedd yn ddiogel. Cawson ni parti i Sam, oherwydd bod ei ben-blwydd mewn cwpl o ddyddiau. Roedd hwn yn syniad da oherwydd cafodd e lawer o sylw a doedd e ddim amser iddo fe deimlo cenfigennus. Yn lle hynny rydyn ni'n meddwl y bydd e'n meddwl am barti a dathliad pan mae'n meddwl am ei chwaer newydd.

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Steph and Zoë came home today [Sunday] and we went to see them. All the family were there - Steph's parents and Steph's sister and her partner too - the place was full. There was joy to see the new baby and celebrate her safe arrival. We had a party for Sam, because his birthday was in a couple of days. This was a good idea because he had a lot of attention and there was no time for him to feel jealous. Instead we think he will think of a party and a celebration when he thinks of his new sister.

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