Wild weather in Westbourne

After yesterday’s hectic activities, and encouraged by the rapidly deteriorating weather, it was rather nice to mooch around at home
for most of the day.

However come 3pm, I revived, and motivated Mr B to pick himself up too. Had yesterday’s prescription (that the surgery hadn’t sent) to collect from Boots, and the referral for Mr B to collect from the GP. And the daily bread from the POLSKI SKLEP.

No point in walking today. Wet wet wet out there. The sky was black. So the car had a rare airing. And we ended up in COFFEE LOUNGE for a hot chocolate (me) and Flat White (Mr B).

Back home. Wrapped in a fleece throw as FEELING THE WEATHER, trying to catch up with you lovely blippers before dinner and Corrie x2, oh .... and The Apprentice.

In case it’s not apparent, this is the view from the safety of the café, out to the rain drenched street.

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