The Field of Stones

Today has been a cold and drizzly one and I've spent it at Stonefield Castle, down at Tarbert. 

The gardens at Stonefield are amazing, but suffering from many years of inadequate care. 65 acres of huge trees, rhododendrons and other shrubs on the Argyll Coast.

I was asked by the lady who's looking after the garden at the moment - a former receptionist at the hotel which is the current use of this old Campbell family home - to give her some advice as she knows absolutely nothing about gardening. It's very brave of her to take this on, but she's very keen and is embarking on a horticulture course. 

We're still trying to get to grips with the enormity of the place, which has many rhododendrons grown from seed collected by Joseph Hooker in the Himalayas in the mid-19th century. We're trying to find out as much as we can from histories and plant records, but it's proving a difficult job. I'm sure I shall be Blipping from here again from time to time!

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