Ripe Tomatoes!
Two of the tomato plants in my greenhouse have ripe fruit. The red one is early because it was kept too long in a small pot. This was the only way I could protect the plants from the late frosts. Now that it is in a large pot it it doing well.
The mini plant in the 7inch pot is an odd one. Last autumn when I cleaned out the greenhouse I saved a lateral from a 1 metre high gold nugget cherry tomato plant. I cared for it indoors over the winter. Instead of growing into a bush it produced more fruit, which are half the normal size.
More weather. Last night we had a downpour, with thunder. My rain gauge measured 29mm in two hours. I went to bed, but the rain kept on for another hour or so, adding 13mm to the total. This is a phenomenal amount of rain for here. So different from the usual fine misty drizzle.
Last month, November, was unusually wet. I recorded 187mm for the month. Normally we get about 30mm. I would regard 70mm in a month to be remarkable.
Anyway, the clouds over the mountains had gaps in them this morning, revealing more fresh snow after yesterday’s dusting.
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