Portrait of a Scout Group Leader
This is S. What can I say? He is a fine example of a good bloke.
He is my friend and our Scout Group Leader and in fulfilment of the Scout promise - which leaders also make - he does his best. Sometimes his best is at a level that we lesser mortals can rarely match and sometimes things don't go so well.
He's human, after all, but, boy! he puts his heart and soul into the things he commits to.
I think it is hard for him when he sees others around him not doing the same. There have been many times when my 'game' has been lifted to support S and not disappoint him. (We all have our motivators...)
He and his family are dear friends and have truly kept my chin above the metaphoric waves many times. They haven't always known about those times, as just knowing that if things got worse they would be there, was enough for me to push on in past dark days.
Thank you.
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