Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A scent of Pine in the air

As in Pine Siskin, a winter finch that is on the move this winter across the United States.  Some winters we don't see them at all while other winters it's possible to find a few, usually in with a group of goldfinch.  I saw a solo siskin yesterday, but today there were at least four.  Cute little things and also very bossy at the feeders.  Worth a blip.  

The sun angles in the yard are interesting/challenging this time of year but I am finding some times and angles that I like.  This is one of them.  The light was coming from the right and it was casting everything behind the perch into deep shadow which the camera read as nearly black.  I think itlooks rather dramatic.  Of course, 30 minutes later the light was totally different and that lovely dark background was gone.

In addition to the Pine Siskins, there were also several Purple Finches at the feeders.  Making me wonder if this is the next wave of winter finches moving south.  

I have not been feeling great the last few weeks - periodic sore throat, congestion, but not quite a cold.  This morning, my throat was so sore and swollen that I decided it was time to stop ignoring it and go see my doctor.  She is waiting for a culture to come back, but says it is some kind of bacterial infection so I'm now on antibiotics for 10 days with a lidocain-based gargle to sooth my throat.  So, nothing really serious, just annoying.  And, unfortunately, contagious.  But on the upside, it means Hubs is making dinner tonight.  See, silver linings everywhere.

Already thinking about a return trip to Costa Rica...


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