Flowers for December
The flowers of Christmas seem like an easy and a pleasant way to slide right on into this new month, the month of Christmas.
I know for lots of people this is a favorite month. It is probably my second favorite. November remains in the top slot. Because so many people do love December, it is a lovely month and seems like most everyone is nicer than usual (I'm sure that includes me too).
Weather folks on TV say more rain is on its way to us, so we'll see what develops. What I do know is that tomorrow morning's church service will be extra delightful with all the decorations and the music of Christmas, and always the first Sunday of the month, the organist does special music. So I' know the windows are going to rattle and vibrate as he pulls out all the stops to play a tune of Christmas and to highlight the bells and chimes . . . I love this.
I can hardly keep my eyes open, so I'm going to bed.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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