
By Bigdreamer

Finally December

Meeting yesterday regarding Miss Maddie's new school being ran by sda went well.
They seemed to be very welcoming and generally upset for the position we were all in, they were open to all faiths. They handled all our question, with respect and answered them honestley I did lie the vibe they were putting out. However I think that some of their beliefs did not align with ours, and also timing was too late for us and so we will be moving on.

Kids were up early begging to put the christmas tree up, we made home made scones, with lovely strawberry jam, and boiled eggs on toast!!! after a yummy scrummy feast. Daddy was sent out on a mission to retrieve the christmas tree. This year was fantastic, kids decorated the tree all by them selfs, they loved it, singing and dancing around the tree, with christmas music blasting from the stereo. They wore their santa hats, hung up their rather BIG christmas stockings, and carefully placed their special decorations on the tree. Each year it is tradition to each pick out a special thing to hang on the tree, a outing that the girls look forward to every year and debate over in the shop which one to pick. Every year they hang their special items on the tree. I loved this idea as now all the decorations have a lot of meaning to us. There is of course the handmade ones from school and kinder that are priceless too, and are carefully hung up with great pride by the maker.

Christmas fruit soaking in the brandy now too.MMMM the smell of christmas is in the air, I really do love this time of year, School and kinder Christmas plays all coming up in a few week, with carols to follow to.How exciting.

My favourite thing to do as a kid was to lay under the christmas tree with all the presents and look up at the coloured lights. I would just get lost in the changing colours.

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