rock n roll

saturday was a exercise in how much can you pack into a single day ..too much it would (sunday) im completely done im stuffed up with cold..tired and doing what i dont do very often .. having a sickie ..
yesterday went something like ...finish work at 5 am ..bed till about 1045..up and out straight away to Winchester christmas market god it was beyond busy.. just getting a space in in the park and ride car park was epic. but worthwhile....the market beside the cathedral was fabby ...really "feels" like christmas . from there it was back to Hook christmas fayre where our friends son was with his street dance truope doing a number. Again it was rammed.. im wondering if traders are gonner claim poverty this year .from where i was standing if they do its because punters cant part with their cash quick enough..i dunno.maybe its me but people seem to be more into the bugger it school of economics and just gonner enjoy themselves..i know we are,, especially when alis clients cough up their fees !! (keeping fingers crossed that santas gonner bring me a a electronic drum kit)..hint hint !! one hot dog later.. i pick up my gig buddy and we trek off to poole to see Pick Floyd do their last gig of the year ... I really didnt know that little venues like this existed before this year ... and bands like this..yes they are not the real mc coy but really do you care when you great music live.. in a place that has real character, even the floor has that sticky feel to it .. have to say though prefer the brook at southampton .. had one of those rare privileges there ... was invited by the band to do the pix so went backstage to see how rock n roll really works .. evidently its beer and Chinese takeaway ..
had a quick natter to the saxaphone player Mike Blatchford , what a nice guy.. so this picture is the bit that we the punters dont usually get to see .. the band shortly before they go on stage, to coin a phrase from a number that they played.. Us and them....really a strange to be there as being a veteren of over 200 odd gigs i never have been backstage or better yet been involved in the nites proceedings. Was a blinding nite.. if your a pink floyd fan then see Pick Floyd...the only difference that you will see is the 100 quid you`ll save on the ticket price.. love live music and even better when they are right there in front of you .

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