
Went and picked up my bike with the new frameset at lunchtime. My old virutally-snapped-in-two one got swapped, gratis like, for a brand-new Genesis Croix De Fer one. In turquoise. I like it.

Of course, as well as a noun, the word 'frame' can also be used as a verb. It's a Hull term, meaning 'to do something properly' eg many's the time my Dad told me to "Frame, man, will you!" when I was doing something in a clumsy, or cack-handed, fashion when I was living under my parents' roof. And the term 'cack-handed' itself is sometimes used as a synonym for 'left-handed' (which I am) and possibly derives from the left hand being seen as your 'toilet hand' in Asian cultures, and not one that you're meant to eat with because, well, it's your 'cack hand' after all.

Enough of that. On with a tune. Track coming up was in a film I went to see over tea-time. Very charming it was too.

On The Soundtrack

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