And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Twice in a week!

Been to beach twice this week, making the most of the glorious sun. For those who dont know this is the grand in all her glory! she is lovely inside and out. We walked for just an hour on the sands then we got a coffee and sat at the life boat station and watched people go by. We decided every time its sunny where going to go to the beach this winter as its free parking (married to a scot) :) Then came home and made a yummy cheese and beetroot salad with peppers it was scrummy :) Dave put last night remaining prawn crackers out for the birds you should here them going for it lol. Supposed to be off to Lins tonight but not sure as yet. Hope your all well.

ps Ash said thanks for yesterday (the hat no longer fits!!!)

love c x x x

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