A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Málaga Lights

This evening we went up to Málaga to see the beautiful Christmas lights.

Unfortunately the entire population of Spain chose to do the same thing.

We had to fight through the crowds to get from the station to the square where the main tree and the illuminated avenida were located.

It seemed a good idea to have a drink in the Palacio Hotel and wait for the crowds to subside a bit. And then, some dinner in a tapas bar down a side street to wait a while longer.

After that, the streets were a bit quieter and so we enjoyed the lights in all their glory.

When we returned to the station, the Spanish people were gathered in one mass on the platform. For 30 minutes we waited and when the train finally arrived everybody got crushed and squeezed inside.

Four stops later, hardly anyone had got off. I fought my way to the door, but no one was going to let us disembark. There were just too many bodies between us and the door. With a huge shove, I propelled several passengers out of the door like a cork from a bottle. We managed to get on to the platform, before they, and several others who had been waiting to get on, charged back on to the train and the doors squeezed closed once more.

We have decided not to go and see the lights on the Saturday of a long Bank Holiday weekend again next year. Schoolboy error really.

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