Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

The longest queue ever to see Santa (over an hour). Mikes work had put on a special family event for Loros. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much else as we queued for so long! Tobes and Eva got to sit in Johnny's racing car (see extra pics). But he was a great Santa and spent time chatting to every single child.

I had a solo hack on Buddy this morning. He was fab. Mike brought Eva down for her first riding lesson with Shona. She did brilliantly, especially as she had her first unplanned canter on Jack. Unfortunately I didn't see it. Apparently he was flat out. Mike was unsure if he got a little excited after the trotting poles they were doing or if Eva just gave him a big kick and off he went. Anyway she pulled him up, had a few tears from the shock of it. Then had a big grin on her face so all is good. Shona had lots of praise for Eva and Jack too.

The reason I missed it was because I had a horse whisperer/medium. She has been to our yard a few times for other horses and I have always wanted to try it. Unfortunately she made a mistake with the booking and only had time to do one horse, which ended up being Buddy as he was still in after the ride. I didn't realise till afterwards she could only do one today or i think I would have got her to do Lime as he's the one I'm really worried about at the mo. But she will come back to see him.

Anyway it was the most amazing experience. She just stood by his door and described his whole personality down to a t! She confirmed all the stuff we've been working on via the physio and my lessons with his one sidedness. He told her that when he came to me he was 7/10 in pain in his right pelvis (that's exactly what the physio picked up back in March) and he is so thankful to me because I saw it and now his pain is 3/10. He told her we'd just changed his bit and how much better it is. He told her that I'm one sided, that I need to get my right shoulder and pelvis checked (which is very true). He said he is trying so hard to be perfect because he wants to stay forever. He is worried that we are leaving or he will be sold. I told him how much I love him and that I will never sell him and I swear to God I saw him relax!! He closed his eyes and snuggled up to me. He told her what I feed him and that he found it boring and then described this huge heaped bowl of different stuff he wanted. Haha nice try Buddy.

Mike came over to ask me something as he was sorting Jack out. And after he'd gone she said 'your hubby is an engineer isn't he?' Buddy told us that he knew Mike had been stressed recently and that his new job would be good and not to worry!! And also that he needs to get his right knee looked at!! I know sceptics would say she could guess stuff, check me on fb etc but really there was so much she couldn't have known. I can't wait to get her back to talk to Lime and I feel reassured that everything she's told me about Buddy has confirmed what I know of him. She said he's an absolute sweetheart and he really really is. He always tries so hard bless him. I'm so lucky to have him and really chuffed he thinks he's lucky to have me! Oh and he wants to do some cross country!!

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