Superstar DJ, here we go.....

Ufa photos here

What an amazing night!!!!!!!!!!
Here is Russell Small of The Freemasons and Max ;-) at Venus.
More photos here....
An amazing night!! I landed at Heathrow from Ufa via Moscow at 11.30am, Max and drove to Manchester, after a snooze I met Russell from the Freemasons to chat about plans for our new release togather 'Tears' then Max and I had dinner with my lovely friend Dani, her husband Mark and their friends Curt and Sam at our Hotel the Malmaison, then off to the Eagle Bar for a WORLD AIDS DAY benefit performance, Ady and the gang were so lovely!!!! We had drinks at the Richmond tea rooms which is gorgeous and then I did my PA which included an accapella of Over the Rainbow and a World Exclusive debut performance of TEARS which they loved!!!! Then off to Venus where I performed an impromptu set singinging TEARS again, also very well received! Venus really looked after us and kept the Champagne flowing! Bed at 4, a long day! Amazing what can actually be done in a day isn't it ;-)

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