Gitama's World

By Gitama

Playing The Geeetaaar

There is some very strange things going on with me at the moment......I am wondering who the hell I am myself.
Today I got out the sewing machine (Jaiya had to thredle it as I cannot see a bloody thing)...for the first time in about 10 years......I sewed all day.
I hemmed all the curtains in my room......fixed up numerous pairs of pants (the legs were too long).....fixed up some of Jaiyas stuff...and I did a marvellous job to boot.

I sat at the machine very proud of myself...singing a little song about how awesome I am.

In the middle of it all I looked up and witnessed this scene......I just had to take some pics...but because I was in a hurry it had to be the iPhone. No matter...this Awesome scene was captured without much fuss...he was so in the moment it was good not to poke a camera in his face.

The kids had a play date and I was going to go to the beach...but when they left the house was so lovely and quiet and I really haven’t had much time to myself (I get cranky when I don’t) lately that I decided to do some pottering...and yeah yeah don’t faint some cooking too.
The kitchen is as neat as a pin and I have organised dinner for 4 days...gosh I’m good....I’m gonna go and sing the ‘awesome me’ song again.

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