Christingle 50th Anniversary

Sunday 9th December 2018

Didn't feel great during the two morning services, then we had to get the church ready for the afternoon. Stage built, posters up, christingles at the ready. 

I think the adrenaline then kicked in. The afternoon required high energy and I wasn't going to let feeling rubbish get in the way. The first service was half full, the second service was full - about 550 people in total. This year was the 50th anniversary of the Children's Society adopting the Christingle, so a special occasion. 

After the service the team shared mulled wine as we counted the money raised. Over £1,200. People have been very generous. 

I then joined the choir for a meal at the local Indian. It was good to relax together after a long day. 

Well, I survived the day. I wonder whether it was kill or cure? Tomorrow will tell.    

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