
By CleanSteve

A little bit of Scotland in Gloucestershire

A quickie Sunday blip. We had a lazy morning, despite waking far too early. I managed to point my camera at the red sky as the rays of the rising sun underlit the scudding clouds over The Heavens, which I can see from our bed.

This afternoon our friend Eileen came over to visit from her village on the far side of Cirencester. Sadly she didn't bring her two kids, but I think she was quite glad to have some time away from them all. We chatted drank tea, and then Helena got out the current jigsaw for them both to play with. I couldn't resist taking some pictures of them both poring over the pieces.

I also went out into the garden to check on how the heater in the cabin was coping with the low temperatures. On the patio outside the cabin, I found a bucket filled with water which had a two inch thick ice block floating on its surface. I played around with that too, but couldn't get a good enough picture of it under the rather cloudy sky.

On the edge of the patio in the wasteland, I came across an old washing up bowl in which I had placed a some of our collection of rocks and stones. Most of these are from various trips to Argyll to visit Helena's mum. Some are from Tralee beach near Benderloch, just to the north of the Falls of Lora, where Loch Etive meets the sea.

I liked the way the ice can just be seen with little bubbles of air still trapped in the water. I try to collect stones from wherever I visit around the world, as they somehow bring back the memories of those places to my mind.

Here is a picture from our last visit of Tralee beach in the distance.

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