
By Laudergirl

Christmas lights

The morning was spent wrapping presents, not many this year as the family gets older.  We are still waiting to get one or two for the grandchildren but have to wait until decisions have been made. 
This afternoon we went over to Addingham for our youngest grandchild's nativity play.  He is only four and took the part of one of the stars.  it is amazing to see how these young children cope in front of such a large audience. Had to travel over separately today so that Geoff could set off down to Liverpool for tonights football game.  Hope they win tonight and not lose in the last second of the match as they did in the last match.
Left early from Cam. Club and realised I hadn't taken a photo today so stopped off by the garden centre and took a quick photo of their Christmas lights.
Will now watch the football match on sky.

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