Mental Hospitals, or lack of!

This building featured in a couple of my early Blip entries in 2011. Older blippers might remember the extra 'Bear Ye One Another's Burdens' above the entrance door which is not the entrance to expensive flats!
The Coney Hill Mental Hospital closed some decades ago now decayed into ruin and arson put paid to the interior. 
The walls survived and I must say that the developers did a nice job of building the inside whilst also keeping the major structure of the old building, which was built in 1883.

Not too far away, just outside the grounds of the old hospital, was a mental health facility, in fact two sites within a 100 yards of each other, where my Mother and Father used to go for dementia tests and treatment.
One closed down about 10 years ago and the other closed fairly recently as I only noticed today that the 'Development Site for Sale' signs are up.

No wonder we have issues with people that have mental health problems in the UK, there's nowhere to go for treatment, or at least the options are getting to be more limited.

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