Airport - as you may remember it...

It was my last day but I wasn’t upset or anything. It was fabulous and fascinating.

Funchal airport is famous because it used to be dangerously short,and it’s now been beautifully extended. As you land, sometimes you’re treated to some interesting manoeuvres as you glide down so close you can see what the people in the houses are having for breakfast.

I love the airport. Security is strict and efficient but they are still charming.

Security hasn’t been an excuse to prevent passengers experiencing the real joy of watching landings and takeoffs. There you can see the guys with the paddles steering planes in (Remember “Airplane “)

Remember when airports used to be great for a day out. I certainly loved Elmdon when I first moved to Birmingham.

Yes. I’m still fascinated and modern technology has enhanced this. I knew from the announcements that the Transavia plane to Amsterdam was missing four people. Up on the roof I could see the guys waiting either to offload their bags, or start things up to push the plane into position. I knew from the app that the Bristol EasyJet was due in, so the Transavia plane was held until it was safely down.....

I chose this photo because you see life up there. Kids really excited. Smokers having a nervous puff. and lots of people just enjoying the sunshine and the scenery before it’s time to head home.

And perhaps I’m not broken-hearted because I had a lovely BA flight (and I’ll be back in February.)

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