Tiny Tuesday : : Sunlit Grass

OilMan's golf game was delayed by frost this morning so we sallied forth into the cold with Ozzie. Being from Labrador, Ozzie loves the frosty mornings and as long as the sun is shining, as it was this morning, and I am appropriately attired with gloves and a hat I do too. We've had our first good rains of the season and the bright green grass has sprung up everywhere. (Ozzie likes that too). This little clump of grasses attracted our attention because of the way the early morning light hit it, and by the fact that it seems to be confused about what season it is. 

We had lunch today at the Spinster Sisters with our friends Jerry and Mary. Their house burned in the Tubbs fire last year and the entire process of rebuilding has been a waiting game. It took almost a year to get the foundation poured and now they are waiting for the roof trusses. Ironically, there used to be a place that manufactured roof trusses in Windsor where they are now renting a house, but it went bankrupt when the housing bubble burst in 2008. They seem to have gotten pretty resigned to the fact that everybody who is rebuilding is waiting for something and at least they don't have to worry about Christmas decorations because they don't have any....

There are times when the ironies of everything cause one to feel trapped in an endless loop. Like the fact that all the energy conservation we have practiced over the years literally went up in the smoke of  fires which are increasingly consuming the state. And why are the fires consuming the state? Because too much carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere causing global warming and the very conditions that lead to wild fires.

The positives of living where we do still far outweigh the negatives, and I think even Jerry and Mary must feel this way too because even having lost everything, they have chosen to rebuild here despite the stresses involved. 

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