Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Roar !!!!

This is how you roar like a lion!  She was very fierce and scary!!!!   

  A different kind of day today as the neighbor's husband passed away and she had called 911.   They told her to have a neighbor help her put him on the floor ( in case he was still alive).  So i hurriedly put on my shows and followed her next door.  We got him on the floor and followed the operators directions.  The police and EMT's arrived short thereafter and we were relieved on that front.   I helped explain to her DIL what had happened and a few other things then went home.    A good walk with my daughter later on helped clear my head.      I think it helps to talk about it.   I went over later to check on her and she said she was ok and was talking to one of her children.    I will continue to pray for her.  
    Otherwise we had a good day and thankful for my own family. 

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