Long day...

...hospital appointment in morning and another late afternoon.

Was up very early this morning to do some gel printing because I was out of sorts. Doing creative stuff and meditating helps me get back on a more even keel. I really didn't want to do anything today, let alone go out to appointments. I felt like a cantankerous old lady...

But a couple of hours of gel printing, and I was okay to go out and do my day. I couldn't come home in between appointments because there wasn't enough time. And the appointments were in different places.

So got home tonight with very bad sciatica in hips...and tired...

Waiting for the pain killers to kick in so I can go to sleep.

The gel prints this morning were a bit different because I was working off my mood. I was just brayering layers and colours and textures. I don't think there is a finished print among them. There might be, but I am too tired to see/know if there is. There were a lot more prints than this.

I might be in the same mood tomorrow morning because I have dentist tomorrow. I will most probably be up early again, and doing some gel printing...

Then, as things stand at the moment, I do not have any other commitments until next year...so, in theory the hermit will then be in her hermitage all that time unless she needs to emerge for vital supplies....

The shops are too full and noisy this time of year, there are too many cars on the road, there are too many traffic jams and gridlocks. I got caught in one this afternoon trying reach my second appointment. The traffic just wasn't moving at all.

And it was too flipping bitter and cold today.

Am in my warm bed now, waiting for the sandman to sprinkle magic sand in my eyes...

All I have so far is a cat butting my nose with his nose....

Thanks for all your comments and love.
Take care x

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