Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Picturesque Edinburgh skyline.

Woke up this morning feeling relaxed after a very enjoyable birthday dinner for a family member.

The relaxed feeling continued for most of the day through a working lunch at Le Monde. Made lots of progress and the relaxed atmosphere in t hebar made it enjoyable enjoyable, even if it was Sunday (just don't order Hendricks and tonic from there unless you've just won the lottery).

Unfortunately the mood was somewhat shattered after walking onto Princess St to get the bus home at five to six. And spotting said bus just ahead of me already. Cue a mad sprint along Princess street only to get within twenty or so feet of the bus stop frantically waving my arms to try and signal the driver only for the bus to pull away. I checked the timetable and, due to it being a Sunday evening, the next bus wasn't for an hour. Headed to the station instead only to find I'd have to wait even longer for a train.

As such this picture pretty much sums up my mood at that point. Thankfully a quick call to Roz meant she arrived in the car twenty minutes later to rescue me. :-)

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