Wide Tuesday

Good thing I am not following the challenges as I'll mix them all up.  Shot on my way back to the car.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  In between, tried to call the 'Bossess', and she picked up, but had no time to talk because of all her other engagements.  She said she would phone back but did not.  At least, she can't say I didn't take any initiative to reach her.  There's going to be an accreditation for our university this coming Feb and that's what's really on her mind right now, how to prepare for it and hope 'we' pass.  She said she just wanted to discuss my hours and overtime, so no emergency there, but I still wish we could have done this earlier.

My classes have been prepped for my absence, and from what I've heard, they are slightly more advanced with their reports compared to other classes.  I don't think I was behind with anything.  I can hardly imagine -- 100 business reports coming up ... plus 50 English portfolios.  Some work when I return.

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