
Today turned out exactly the way we planned - chilled out at home.

I ventured outside for just long enough to nip to the co-op to get the ingredients fro my slightly late Christmas Cake. It's not a full on fruit cake and doesn't need weeks to mature, a little tipple between now and the big day and all should be well. I made it to Freya's exact specifications so it's raisins, cherries and ground almonds all the way - no mixed peel or chopped nuts round here! It looks and smells good and I enjoyed the ritual of making it which always reminds me of coming home from school late in November to the delicious smell which filled your nostrils as soon as you came in the front door and signalled the prelude to the festive season proper.

I helped Freya with some homework and had lots of knitting time. Carlos learned to make homemade pizza and we all enjoyed an evening with Bill Bailey stand up. As Disaronno Amaretto was on special in the co-op I had a wee snifter over ice to help get me in the festive spirit. As if the tree, and the cake, and the Amaretto weren't enough, next thing we knew, it was snowing!

Not looking forward to the potential transport drama in the morning but for now it's just pretty. I'll worry about the consequences when my alarm goes off at 6.25am!

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