Walking in Humshaugh
After yesterday's excursion to the physio in Cramlinton, Arth was very sore and grumpy. He reminded me of Molly the gorgeous collie. Her owner, Ann, often describes how Molly is "slower than a snail" on her morning walk. Well, I was like that this morning. I could not get going.
Arth has been very sore all day, despite ice packs and analgesia. He has just settled down this evening!
It's been terribly busy here today. We had various visitors. One was our GP, who came to discuss Mum's recent x rays. There is only one wedge fracture and it's in a thoracic vertebra. It's enough to cause a lot of pain. Thankfully the TENS machine is helping. Referrals to spinal orthopaedics and to the bone clinic are now in train.
Peter G came with a device to stop my car battery from going flat while the car is out of use. (I have great friends.)
Margret called with the programme from last night's Abbey Santa Lucia service.
Marjorie (the other one) came this afternoon.
We also had Dick and Angus doing the garden and Little Miss Sparkle cleaning the house.
It is very quiet now.
I saw these gates in the sunshine this morning and liked the shadows behind them.
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