One of the roses blipped back on the 16th of last month, I like flowers that are decaying gracefully and loved the old passion of pressing flowers from weddings and the like.
Today has been a bit of a flat day after yesterdays fun at the coast. Mrs A S has started the late trading run in to Christmas with 9 O'clock trading except for Sunday which hacks my days as well! Don't if you value living ask her what she is doing for Christmas, its not pretty........
Another good night for me last night with the judging of the end of year print comp, added to last weeks dpi's I will have a fair haul next week at the party and presentation evening.
Plans are progressing with the transfer of the 3 Amigos who like my trio have spent much of today sleeping yesterday off.
Getting back on track with comments think.......take care one and all and fingers crossed the weather is kind to you all this weekend.

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