A day that needed an injection of heat.
Awake at 4.30am, I eventually got bored of podcasts and got up too early. I was listening to my trusty sleep-bringer (Peter Jefferson Reading the GDPR) when I suddenly realised I’d made a mistake in a policy I’m writing, hence I had to get up to correct it. And so I was listening to the show before Farming Today when TallGirl stumbled into the kitchen for coffee (“what, there’s a program on every day for farmers?”)
Later, the recalcitrant policy was wrestled into shape until I was sick of the sight of it and dispatched it to another pair of eyes. By 2pm I had done one thing on a to do list that was literally as long as (a third of) my arm.
Efficiency struck, and a further half dozen items were gleefully struck through in no time, partly thanks to me discovering that the French have a super easy app-based way for paying property taxes on-line (literally two clicks).
Slightly earlier, lunch was a packet of Tom Yam soup I forgot I had with frozen veg stirred in. It was by about a billion times the hottest pre-prepared food I’ve ever tasted in France. I had to water it down and stir in some yoghurt. Below is my last cup of Marmot tea (aren’t they cute! And so clever to get the fennel into those bags with their little hands.) Must buy more tomorrow.
Later, a basketball meeting where I was in the odd position for me of not being either of the foreign parents who no-one could understand (I could understand them, but then I listen to bad French every time I open my mouth, so I’m an expert).
Later still, dinner, ER and bed, though in the middle of that you’ll be delighted to hear that between me, TallGirl, the Israeli Secret Service and a comedy of coincidences, we have hatched a plan to depose the Government and have the Queen appoint Caroline Lucas to be PM and save us all. There, don’t you feel better?
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