Banged Up!

Last time I left the station in Lincoln after visiting my folks, I noticed this art work on a ground level window of a building opposite the station. It used to just have the board and the bars but someone decided to jazz it up by adding a prisoner having his lack of freedom brought home to him by a visit from a butterfly!

Today has been pretty busy. I went into town and bought more Christmas presents and cards and collected a parcel that had customs duty to pay, as well as getting a bit of regular shopping.

My new Kindle arrived today so I got that set up - it was relatively easy! I sent the old one back to Amazon too. I had to take it to a Hermes centre based at a local shop. I had no idea what I was doing, and nor did the assistant! She even denied that they even dealt with parcels to begin with until I pointed out the board outside the shop which clearly said that they did! She said the customers were supposed to just do it themselves but I don't think they were...Jae said the assistant had worked at his shop for a short while before being sacked... Anyway I did get the parcel  sent, eventually!

Work wasn't too bad as Fridays go - busy enough, but still manageable!

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