Beautiful bouquet
This is the magnificent bouquet my gorgeous sisters sent to me to celebrate my retirement. A beautiful looking and smelling bouquet with Christmas lilies, roses, carnations to name just 3, all arranged in a basket and set off against some stunning greenery. I'm working hard to keep them cool and well-watered so they last as long as possible but the summer heat is beginning to kick in.
It was a busy day in other respects too. I hinted at something yesterday and I have finally decided I will have a garden shed installed. I spent some time today talking with the company I've chosen to use and one of my final questions was "so when do you think it could be ready?" I was expecting a reply along the lines of "Well, it's just a couple of weeks until Christmas and we'll be closed over the new Year period too then we'll have to catch up with other jobs when we return so you could have it by mid January.........maybe." Instead I got "Well, we should be able to get it finished by the end of next week."
Yikes!!! That gives me a week to find someone who knows how to prepare a pad for it to go on. The garden shed Gods must have been smiling on me because after just 2 or three calls I stumbled across a former student's number and he's pretty sure he can get one of his work crew do do the job first thing on Monday morning!
It's a bit scary but I really enjoy challenges like this - especially when things begin to fall into place!
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