Wave riders

Below the waves mysterious creatures dwell.

My very favorites are these Hector's Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori). The rarest marine delphinid and the smallest. Hector's measure only 1.2-1.6 m (3.9-5.25 ft) and weigh 40-60 kg.

Like silky phantoms they often appear like magic around the boat. Disappearing in and out of the depths we watch them as they watch us, both curious about the other. They live in small groups and forage for fish and squid close to shore. Small and colored in silky grays, whites and blacks they are elegant, beautiful creatures. They are endemic, and only found here off the coast of the South Island.

I can hear their eerie sing-song language piercing the boat. Sometimes I whistle and tap the hull trying to talk back. They seem to respond, but I don't know what they say. Mostly though they investigate us, playing in our bow waves, rolling to look up at us, and swimming around in a hubbub of dolphin socializing. I have dreams now full of dolphins, imagining life on the other side...

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