Today I baptised this teapot which I made about 18 years ago - it's been sitting in the cupboard all this time just waiting for tea & boiling water.

I never liked the shape - I never liked the glaze - but lets face it, the handle is a triumph!

Hearing stories of Deirdre hitting Scotland with the freezy rain. Last time that stuff hit Brussels was in1991 - hilarious - looked from my second storey window to see people walking as though their legs were made of wood...

I was late for work as usual & I bombed out of the front door & promptly landed on my backside! Started skating down to the bus stop when a large matron in a huge fur coat stepped out & went down - ton of bricks... Heaved her vertical & she took a couple of steps, only to end up horizontal again. I helped her back to her door... "Merci beaucoup monsieur".

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