Afternoon tea

Becky went for a 10 mile run before breakfast - she ran in heavy rain and a few snow flurries.

After breakfast Mike gave Becky and me a lift to the railway station and we caught the train to Brighton. It was a very short journey - and it was trouble free.

The rain was lashing down and it was very windy. Quite unpleasant really. We were drenched before we even reached the shops. We headed for Primark where we both made a few purchases. It was too wet to wander the streets so we headed for Patisserie Valerie which was a bit of a walk away so we were even wetter when we arrived there. It was lovely to take our wet coats off and relax in the warm.

We ordered Afternoon Tea. Becky chose Earl Grey tea and I had a cappuccino. As you can see from my blip shot we had assorted finger sandwiches, a mini quiche, scones with jam and clotted cream and assorted mini cakes. It was all delicious. The deal also included two items from the window display to take home. Becky chose a vanilla cheesecake to share with Mike and I chose a fruit tart.

As it was still lashing down with rain when we came out we decided not to do any more shopping and Becky phoned Mike to come and give us a lift home

We spent the rest of the afternoon just relaxing until it was time to go out for our evening meal. Luckily the rain had stopped by now so we walked to the restaurant - Buon Appetito. We started with a sharing platter of meats and olives. For main course I had prawn tagliatelle and for pud I had vanilla pannacotta with berry couli. Becky and Mike had a glass of grappa each. I had a little taste... Wow it was strong. A taste was enough for me.

Walked home - it wasn't raining. We watched a bit of TV including Match Of The Day. Pleased to see Newcastle won their away match at Huddersfield. Mike made us espresso martinis (vodka, coffee and kahlua) I enjoyed mine.

So a nice day. Not quite the shopping trip to Brighton that was planned but we did do some shopping and had our lovely Afternoon Tea. Hopefully the weather will improve tomorrow.

Apologies for lack of comments. Too much else going on.

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