Desperately seeking

By clickychick


Not very seasonal but I happened to have a small bunch of narsissi in the house. I believe these to be paper-whites, narcissus papyraceus. I never knew whether to call these sort of flowers daffodils, narcissi or jonquils but apparently you can't go wrong with narcissus because that genus is the higher category which covers them all,  and in turn they are Amaryllidaceae.

We had work to do at the lodge today. The man worked on the verandah  while I got out the Christmas decorations. The weather was not too good and The Man got about as far as he could get and came indoors. 

Just at that point Tryfan46  and his wife, Susan, arrived. I made a pot of tea and we had a nice long natter. Then more tea and more natter. The evening was rounded off with a talk at the local Cumbria Wildlife Trust meeting about the disappearance of swifts and what we can do to help them. Swift boxes are a good start!

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