Amber warning

Will came out of the white-arched path into the road, paved smooth with snow and edged everywhere by the great trees, and he looked up between the branches and saw a single black rook flap slowly past, high in the early sky.

We spend the day doing small DIY jobs in Kinghorn. Outside the wind is bitter, and it leaks cold through the flats ineffectual windows.

After dark I head across the bridge. After Straiton the rain turns to snow that hides the road. The wind whips up blizzard and my speed decreases as I get closer to home.

Mike drops in after his shopping trip and Stewart pops over for a drachm. Neither of them fall into the trench at the front door.

I pass out before midnight leaving them at the kitchen table with the whisky. Mike avails himself of the spare room. I hope Stewart made it home, because he’s not here.

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