Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

One consonant out

I asked for a shower cap and got a shower cat. Amazing how one letter can make such a difference; putting Dylan on your head and starting the water would be ill advised ...

A day of three halves. Spent the morning filling the skip (part 2) with garden stuff and workshop chuck-outs. Sun was out, the day was warm, made good progress. Left a warm feeling in the protestant ethic bit of my psychological profile.

Afternoon was spent with The Yoga Mama, just chillin’ so’s to speak. She had a cold but was otherwise cheery. I popped to the kosher deli across the road and came back with two carrier bags of goodies (everything from hummous to caramelised pecans). Booty of the very best kind.

In the evening I had a call from an old friend pretending to be an insurance salesman. Don’t think I’ve seen RG in the flesh since our wedding over fifteen years ago, although I always see him on New Year’s Eve as he plays trombone in the Joules Holland Band and can be seen doing his thing as part of the annual hootenanny. We had a good catch up - we were at Uni together and shared a house in south London so go back forty years.

There is a theme in our small world at the moment; TSM and I are grappling with the losses and gains of later life. Family and friends are far flung in this country and far far beyond. It ain’t easy holding it all together ... but if at times difficult, it does make you realise that it is your relationships that count more than anything in this world...

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