Roger goes for a walk - and meets a god

We thought we would go for a walk this morning.  There is a footpath at the side of the house, which goes over the fields, round the town and back in at the far end of the town.  We thought it would be a nice morning walk.  Until the cat decided to follow us. As I turned to take a picture of the cat, a dog appeared at the edge of the field, shortly followed by someone walking their dog coming from the other direction, meaning I had to catch the darned cat and hold him (looking like a mad lady who walks their cat!) whilst one of the dogs passed.

Far more excitingly, we got our Christmas tree today.  Local friends had recommended a local farm, the eldest was soooooo excited, so you can imagine the tears when we opted to have the tree delivered and not take it home immediately.  He didn't have to wait long - it's up and the lights are flashing away. 

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