Week 50.

This we have seen friends and Santa Claus and relatives.

On Tuesday I was at work.

Thursday we visited a shop where was a car inside. My son said 'piiat piiat piiat' and was pointing that car with his finger. I realized he ment 'Fiat' like he calls his toy car, Fiat 500, at home as 'piiat'. I asked the man who worked there that what is the car. He told it is Fiat 500 car. So I don't know how but my son realized that the real car in the shop was the same car that he has home as a toy. I was really astonished. Obviously he wanted to 'drive' the car too and got.

In the evening we saw my friend and her daughter whos the same age as my son. Kids played together.

On Friday we saw my other friend who also has a daughter the same age as my son.

On Saturday we went to Helsinki to a 'farm' because there was a Christmas event. When my son saw the Santa Claus, he was exited. He looked him happily. Finally he saw the man whom we have been talking lately. The moment was unforgettable. We saw many animals there too and a firetruck.

After the event we drove to Imatra.

Today, on Sunday, I went bowling with my friend. She won!

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