Two Birthday Parties

In the bottom left picture, Merrick and his choir mates are ending their program by singing happy birthday to Jesus. The kids did a wonderful job...except for one of their songs. I'm afraid their rendition of Away in a Manger just might have driven the Christ child and his parents back into the stable. Other than the one song...a good job.

After the concert, we went to a local restaurant and celebrated my Dad's 91st birthday. December 16th, 1927...that's when James Joseph was born to Epps and Lena. He was one of 7 brothers and sisters, and is the only one left.

As one of the small pictures illustrates, Jimmy Joe plays the bass guitar in our church praise band. One time last year...during a very solemn song...he jumped off his stool...and did a Chuck Berry duck-walk (complete with guitar) across the stage. Very embarrassing (and very untrue.) ;0)

We're proud of both of our performers...from the youngest to the oldest.

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