PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

A tribute to Rae

Isis destroying the swing in house 1 front enclosure (third time its been destroyed in as many days!). Captions for photos as follows:

1. I'm too sexy for my swing.
2. Die swing die! I shall kill you by chewing you into ity bity little pieces...
3. Ooops, must look dignified whilst plunging to the ground...
4. A nose full of dirt is so undignified!
5. I'm still too sexy for my swing..
6. Must kill this bit of rope too..
7. Dead swing.. mission accomplished!
8. Swing? What swing? I've just been snoozing the whole time... !

All happened in the space of about ten minutes :) The destruction is best viewed LARGE!

I'm so thankful I managed to capture this series as I was looking for a fitting bear tribute my dear friend Raej who sadly passed away yesterday morning. I know many of you had also been following Rae's journal and were aware of the health problems she had been battling for some time now. Whilst we are all mourning the loss of a beautiful spirit we are glad she is no longer suffering. Her dedication and passion shown for the bears was obvious to all who knew her and she can rest peacefully knowing she made an enormous difference during her time on this earth.

It was our Christmas Party tonight and we all held our glasses high for you tonight Rae. Your beauty and spirit will live on in the hearts of all that you touched. I guess this is finally goodbye.

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