Mysore Palace, INDIA

Yesterday evening, I posted yesterday's shot, but I also did one chapter of the MOOC, finished the bookkeeping, updated Chamu, and replied to a couple more messages.  Some people would say, 'But you're on holiday!'  I know you know by now I'm not the type to just laze in the sun and pretend to read a magazine.  Chamu's son has the idea that I'm hyperactive ... haha!  If he only knew what an understatement that is!  I did sleep very, very well when I returned to the room, and so did AW.

However, he still didn't come along with me today as he was still feeling lousy.  I AM happy that he has stopped throwing up and going every hour to the toilet, but one of the reasons for that may be that he's now afraid to eat ... haha!  He has been taking his meds, to be sure.  This morning, he tried to have breakfast with me downstairs but wasn't in the mood for anything other than fruit.  When we were done, I went upstairs with him to prepare the rehydration formula, good for the whole morning.

This morning, a very capable local tour guide joined us.  First stop was the Chamundeshwari Temple on the Chamundi Hills.  (Chamu was named after this hill!)  There was a procession of the idol all around the temple (extra shot).  After that we passed by the Bull Temple.  The bull is an enormous granite monolith carved into the shape of a (rather cute and cuddly looking) bull.  And then came today's treat -- Mysore Palace! -- today's main shot, taken from inside the palace looking towards the main entrance east of the complex.  The palace is actually only a bit more than a century old and was build by a certain Howard Irwin, a British architect.  The present maharajah and his family still live there, but the public is allowed to view the most beautiful 25% of the entire building, plus the gardens.  After that, we returned to the hotel on my request so that I could check on AW and have lunch as well.

In the afternoon, we returned to Srirangapatna to Sultan Tipu's summer palace, with its 'frescoed' walls (an extra).  It felt a little strange seeing all these old and beautiful places alone ... but never mind, I enjoyed myself.  After the summer palace, which could do with a bit more maintenance, I told the driver I'd like to go to Gumbaz, where the sultan is buried, and where his parents are buried as well.  It wasn't on the itinerary but I don't always follow itineraries anyway.  Even the driver didn't know where it was, but it wasn't far away, so no problem.  After that, back to Mysore where I asked if we could pass by St. Philomena's Church.  Apparently, it's included in excursion fare for school children.

We were supposed to go to a free dinner tonight, courtesy of the travel agency in Delft who've we've been patronizing for years.  With AW the way he was, though, we requested it to be moved to tomorrow, and this was settled by the travel agency here.  AW WILL come along tomorrow, to be sure ... hahaha!

And so here I am again, doing exactly the same thing as yesterday evening.  Never a dull moment ... where does the time go?

THANK YOU ALL for your concern on AW's health.  We both appreciate it more than you know.

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